Leveling through Lust
Leveling through Lust

Leveling through Lust

RANK 258
328 Chapters 739K Views 2.85K Bookmarked Completed Status

Leveling through Lust novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Mystery, and Adventure genres. Written by the Author Dirk_Grey. 328 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.


In a fantasy world where everything depends on level, only ostracization and pain awaits a man that is unable to level, even if he was of noble birth.

But what happens he discovers an alternative source of experience…

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  • Ice37f 1

    Pretty strong first half, but the author gets away from the characters and area he created, and focus on power up and system in the middle which then leads into a rushed ending. A lot of potential got wasted, but it's still worth a read especially the first half is good.

  • Amatory 5

    When is the Yuriiiii :’<

    • OtakuModeEngage 16

      There no pure Yuri, just a lot of bisexual girls indulging in MFF threesomes with the MC. There is a couple FF only scenes at the very begining, but they latter hook up with the male lead.

      Edited: 3mo
  • TheBoredTaoist 5

    Well… l would say this is average like not bad and not good Just average it can be a fine read when you don’t have any thing to read (I don’t have a problem with it personally but it has yuri in it if it’s not to your taste then don’t read it because the first half of the novel it has a lot of yuri in it)

    • OtakuModeEngage 16

      I really don't understand men who can't appreciate the sensual beauty of two woman making love, and the sense of pride when you know both of those women are yours, and at least part of the reason they are playing with each other so passionately, is for your viewing pleasure, or the sense of conquest, when you find two girls, that have only known the pleasure of other woman, and show them the pleasure of being with a man, and make them addicted to your touch. I think such men are either too brainwashed by religious/cultural beliefs, that they fail to see such a good thing, or they are too insecure in their masculinity and strength as a lover, and fear that the ladies will abandon him and run away together.

      Edited: 3mo
      • Tomo_dachi 1

        Are u listening to urself basically what u said is anyone who doesn't like what I like is brainwashed

      • OtakuModeEngage 16

        No, actually, I said if any straight man doesn't like what is natural for straight men to like, than they are suppressing their desires as a man, because they are brainwashed.

        Edited: 5d
      • Tomo_dachi 1

        Define a straight man and list things a straight man "should" like

      • OtakuModeEngage 16

        Rather than a straight man, it should be a man that is into woman. I only edited it to straight, as an afterthought, as obviously gay men wouldn't feel the same way. But you're right, that too, is too narrow and rigid of a qualification. But any man who is turned on by the allure of woman, should naturally find that the sensual dance of two beauties, is sexier than just one. What woman-loving man doesn't at least once in his life, desire a thr**s*m*, or think that having multiple lovers or wives would be nice? Most realize it's an unrealistic fantasy, and in actual practice would be stressful and difficult to obtain and maintain such a relationship, immoral, and socially unacceptable, and they give up on the idea. So they suppress the desire, or even look down on it, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. I truly think for most men, if their wife/lover told him she was okay with sharing him, he would be excited about the possibility, even if he ultimately turns her down.

      • Man_of_Culture 2

        Men who don't want to see their woman elope with others of the same s*x are not "brainwashed." Everyone has their own views and beliefs. It has nothing to do with "fragile egos." Monogamous men view this as cheating regardless of the gender their significant other sleeps with. We often project our beliefs into the stories we read, often putting ourselves in different scenarios within the confines of the story to see how we would react. I get my sense of conquest from having one woman I can love and die with for the rest of my life. I expect this sentiment from my partner as well. We aren't "brainwashed." If we don't condone this type of behavior in real life, most of us wouldn't condone it in fiction as well. (If you meant this in a fictional perspective, ignore this and move about your day. I'm just venting.) (I wish I could be this passionate in my English class. It's just soooooo boring.)

      • OtakuModeEngage 16

        First of all, its strange that you are ranting about monogomy in a story about polygamy, whether real or ficticious, a couple that choses to engage in polygamy cant be held by the same standards as a monogamous couple, it just doesnt work... Secondly, I said a man who *assumes* his wives would elope on him with each-other, just because they have some bisexual bedroom play, is brainwashed. Of course, no man wants his woman to abandon him & run away with another woman. But your two wives showing each other some affection & sexually pleasing each other, either solely for your viewing pleasure, or because they are really bisexual & enjoy it, isn't the same as them actually leaving you for each other. And the unfounded fear that they would leave you, when at least half the reason they are lessing out, is to excite you, is completely irrational, & shows a lack of confidence in your skills as a lover & self worth as a partner, & lack of trust in your wives & faith in their love for you.

        Edited: 1mo
      • Man_of_Culture 2

        I still don't understand how if a man, embroidered in polygamous relationship, that assumes his wives are eloping with each other to get away from him are brainwashed. It is a deep rooted fear, regardless of the type of relationship, in any man that their women might be trying to get away from them. You can't just *assume* that they are brainwashed because they don't have the same mindset as you. Polygamous relationships require an unbelievable amount of trust between all partners involved and can easily collapse if the requirements weren't met. Therefore, unless you or the MC, have the ability to read minds, you can easily think of the worst outcome, depending on the situation you find yourselves in.

        Edited: 1mo
      • OtakuModeEngage 16

        To fear the possibility of your woman leaving you is certainly something all men face, regardless of whether you're in a polygamous or monogamous relationship, and regardless of whether she is straight or bisexual. (A straight woman could just as easily leave you for another man, as a bi woman could leave you for another woman). However, letting that fear consume you, cloud your judgement, and making unfounded negative assumptions of your lover(s) due to this fear, is evidence of a weak mentality, a lack of trust and self confidence. This ultimately leads to a weak relationship filled with suspicions, jealousy, and doubt, which results in you pressuring your lover to the point that the relationship cracks. The reason I say brainwashing, is because society, pushes the idea that bisexuals are more likely to cheat on their partners. Which is not true, your sexuality does not determine your morality. Many also claim that if your two woman are f*ck*ng, they are cucking you.

        Edited: 1mo
      • Man_of_Culture 2

        My man. 🤝 It was a pleasure conversing with you. I concede.

      • TheBoredTaoist 5

        Fr fr (it’s super good to cool off and enjoy it) don’t know why a lot of readers have problem with it. I do have some issues with updates since it’s SUPER slow

      • OtakuModeEngage 16

        That's because the author is writing like 6 different light novels at the same time.

      • TheBoredTaoist 5

        Guess we gotta have patience😮‍💨😮‍💨

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  • heedkneesnshoulders 23

    This novel makes my head hurt. This novel makes my head hurt...

    Edited: 6mo
  • Crazed 69

    All the Reviews are 5 stars? A sm*t novel??? I need to do some research

    • altro 6


      • Crazed 69

        Pretty good for a sm*t novel. How do I put it… The ‘plot’ scenes are pretty ’unique’

  • Lucipherion 10

    People out here dropping for Yuri, here I am picking it up for yuri.

    • TheUnworthyOne 16

      How disgusting...proceeds to reread it.

  • AncientVaneris 2

    Chapter 91-92-drop It 🤮

  • Bored0Crow 4

    When does he get his first grandmaster skill

  • Celerii 4

    finally it got updated, time to binge🗣️

  • Ironrooster47 7

    Beware, future readers... There's Yuri afoot.

    • Tomo_mo 19

      Even better if there's yuri. Like a wise man once said: "Yuri is the purest form of love"

      Edited: 1y
      • Yozmoon 5

        The purest form of love is Romeo and Juliet type sh*t, this is just girls going at it…

      • Overtime 5

        Wdym pure love? That's just teens rebelling against there parents.

      • Yozmoon 5

        Hormones and teenage rebellion are not strong enough to kill themselves for the other if they did not truly love them! SMH 🤦‍♂️

      • flssdd 19

        it's not purest, just selfish, it's also underage, so raging hormones teen bs

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