• The Oracle Paths

    Rank 271 Update yesterday

    Have you ever wished you exactly knew how to accomplish your dreams? Not feeling the slightest doubt anymore? Being aware at any time how every choice, action and decision of yours affects your future? .... That's what happened to Jake Wilderth, a procrastinating young man without ambition. When a mysterious silver spaceship, popping out from nowhere, delivered to each Earthling a bracelet containing an AI introducing itself as the Oracle, their ...

  • Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom

    Rank 1029 Update one year ago

    "Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.".... Ikaris, a genius student admired, exploited, and hated all his life for his brilliance, suddenly finds himself transmigrated into The Forsaken Lands, a fantasy world of myriad species born with the ability to use magic with imagination as their only limit..... Alas, this gift carries a curse. The more you use it, the closer you are to death..... After thousand...